CT Scanner Campaign
We are delighted to share that because of kind and generous donors like you, we have exceeded our $1M fundraising goal for the new CT Scanner! Your gifts to this campaign will make a difference to the more than 6,000 patients who require a CT scan each year.
The current CT was installed in 2010 and was anticipated to have a useful life of 10 years. Thanks to continued maintenance, the machine continues to function well. However, Siemens, the manufacturer, will stop manufacturing parts for our CT on Dec. 31, 2023 and cannot guarantee they would be able to fix the equipment after that date.
For this reason, the Foundation is raising funds for a new CT scanner.
What is a CT scanner?
A CT, or computerized tomography, takes cross-sectional x-rays of the body to provide a more detailed view. It’s a complex way of looking at tissues, structures and organs that defines details more significantly than a standard x-ray, especially in soft tissue. A chemical compound called contrast may be used to allow physicians to see how blood flows through the circulatory system and into organs. Contrast during a CT can aid in the identification of inflammation, trauma, tumors and other disease processes.
Is it a frequently used piece of equipment?
Yes! Here at YVMC, the number of CT scans has increased year to year, and imaging is anticipated to see a minimum of 3-5% annual growth.
CT scans in 2019
CT scans in 2020
CT scans in 2021
CT scans in 2022
Why is a CT an important part of patient care?
A CT, or computerized tomography, scanner is one of the most critical pieces of equipment at UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center and is used daily to diagnose and monitor acute and chronic injuries and illnesses. CT is frequently used with patients needing care for various oncology, cardiology, urology and surgical concerns. It is essential in the care of patients with emergent or traumatic injuries.
WhEN DOES A patient need a CT scan?
CT scans are needed for a variety of medical situations including accidents, suspected stroke, blood clots, respiratory concerns and cancer. Our most frequently ordered CT scans are listed below. Hover over the names of each scan to learn more about them.
CT brain without contrast
to assess head injuries, severe headaches, dizziness and other symptoms of aneurysm, bleeding, stroke and brain tumors.
CT abdomen/pelvis with contrast
to diagnose obstructions, kidney stones, hernias, masses, tumors, infections, aneurysms and many other problems.
CT angiography pulmonary embolism studies
to look for blood clots in the lungs.
“The generosity of donors to Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundation – be they former patients, community members, visitors to Steamboat Springs, or our own staff and providers – never ceases to amaze me. Our team is honored to provide patients with a safe and high-quality patient care experience, and humbled by the gifts of so many that allow us to do so.”
Soniya Fidler
President, UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center

Is it safe to continue using the current hospital CT if it is nearing end of life?
Yes. The current CT still performs as it should.
What if the CT isn’t replaced?
On Dec. 31, 2023, Siemens will stop manufacturing parts for our CT. The company cannot guarantee it will be able to fix the equipment after that date. Without replacement and if the machine would go down, a number of patient care impacts would occur.
From a trauma perspective:
– A CT is a required piece of equipment as a Level III trauma center.
– Lack of CT negatively impacts diagnostic evaluation.
– EMS may transport patients to a different facility, potentially at a lower trauma level, due to lack of CT capabilities. This could lead to delayed care, increased patient costs and poor patient experience.
– Even in a minor car accident with no visible injuries, a CT scan is advised to ensure whiplash hasn’t caused a brain bleed.
– Imaging delays can result in delayed treatment or transfer of a patient.
– Lack of CT can result in longer length of stay.
– Should the CT go down, unnecessary costs to YVMC could be incurred should a mobile imaging unite be needed if the equipment cannot be repaired.
Will it be a newer version of the same machine, or will it be an upgrade?
YVMC would upgrade from the Siemens Somatom Flash to the Siemens Somatom Drive. Differences include:
– Improved hardware produces less electronic noise which results in high spatial resolution for improved image quality and potential to decreased patient dose.
– MX sigma x-ray tube offers the opportunity to decrease patient dose while increasing contrast to noise (contrast visibility). This has value with all imaging and also provides more capability in terms of scanning larger patients when needed, especially those that require contrast-enhanced imaging.
– Tin Filter, resulting in more accurate x-ray beam energy. This reduces scatter and dose while improving spatial resolution.
– Additional kV step increments allow the user to more specifically and automatically customize the radiation dose to each patient based on the patient body habitus and selected protocol.
– Improved image texture, which ultimately results in the capability to improve image texture when scanning at lower doses.
– AI-driven positioning system that uses a ceiling-mounted positioning camera that incorporates infrared technology. Benefits include improved spatial resolution and lower patient doses due to isocentric positioning, standardization around patient positioning, and increased efficiency due to automated, AI-driven anatomical recognition and scan planning.
– Security, including the latest cybersecurity features.
Looking for more information?
Please reach out to us at yvmcf@uchealth.org with questions or inquiries.