Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundation Fall Newsletter

Thank you to our Foundation Board Members and Hospital Trustees
We would like to express our gratitude to our Foundation Board members and Hospital Trustees this holiday season! We could not make the impact that we do without these two groups of committed community volunteers.. Their insight, experience, and support are all integral to the success of our Foundation and hospital. On behalf of the Foundation team and the community we serve, we thank you for your hard work!

Thank you to Alpine Insurance Brokers
Thank you to Andrew Czysz, Paxton Jones, and the Alpine Insurance Brokers team for their generous donation to the Jan Bishop Cancer Center (JBCC) last month. This donation is a result of funds raised during their summer event ‘AIB for a Cure’. These funds will impact numerous lives in the Yampa Valley, and we are grateful for AIB’s support. Be sure to keep your eyes out for next year’s event – we expect it to sell out quickly again!

Get your hats ready – Derby Day is back! Mark your calendars for May 4, 2024, and plan to join us at Timber and Torch to watch the most exciting 2 minutes in sports. You will not want to miss out on this year’s festivities! Keep an eye out for more information in early 2024 regarding sponsorship opportunities and ticket sales. We look forward to seeing you there!

Updates on the CT Scanner replacement
Thank you to all the donors who helped us reach our $1M fundraising goal for the CT Scanner replacement this year! The new CT Scanner has been delivered, and installation has begun. As of November, CT scans have been taking place in a mobile trailer located outside the emergency department to accommodate the replacement of YVMC’s current CT. Scans will occur in this temporary location through the end of January 2024. Thank you again to all our donors who supported this campaign!
Enterprise Tax Zone Reminder
Remember – any donation of $250 or more to the YVMCF may qualify for up to a 25% Enterprise Zone Tax Credit. If you plan to file Colorado state taxes for 2023 and made a qualifying donation in 2023, please visit our website for more details on this tax incentive. For any questions, contact Rebecca Hext at: rebecca.hext@uchealth.org.

‘STICK’ it to Cancer
Thank you to the girls 19U Steamboat Stampede Hockey team for helping us celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month this fall. A celebratory game took place in October with local and visiting teams wearing jerseys designed especially for this occasion and funded by our Foundation. These jerseys will be used for multiple years in the month of October to support the ongoing need for breast cancer awareness. Thank you to everyone who came out to cheer on our local team and spend an afternoon with our community!

UCHealth at the Halloween stroll
Our Foundation and hospital staff had a wonderful time handing out candy, stickers, and toys during the Halloween stroll in downtown Steamboat Springs last month. We are grateful to have the chance to participate in local events, and thank you to all of the staff members that volunteered their time to help.